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SCA Revision is owned and operated by LaneApps Limited, company number: 08950053

All of the cases on SCA Revision were created by us, and are consequently the property of LaneApps Limited. Please do not copy or re-print these cases without our express permission.

Whilst it may be obvious, we need to point out that LaneApps Limited can not guarantee that by signing up to use SCA Revision that you will pass your exam. We suggest using SCA Revision as merely one tool in your revision repertoire.

These cases are fictitious, based on scenarios that GP's deal with on a daily basis. Any resemblance to cases found in the SCA exam is purely coincidental. The RCGP have openly stated that they have a bank of over 600 cases to choose from. Prior to each sitting, the examiners and the actors play out each case, and decide for themselves where the marks should be focused upon. Therefore it is ill advised to go searching for, or practise cases that may have come up before, as it would be impossible to know where the marks are allocated on the day. 

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